Howdy, just wonder what you guys thought about the Gigabyte GA-7DXR+ motherboard or any other gigabyte motherboard.
I bought a computer a lil over a month ago and it had the soyo dragon plus+ in it. Well when I got the computer it didn't work, it was dead wouldn;t even turn on. So I call tech support and they say its the motherboard, he said he was haveing tons of problems with dragon plus and it was a piece of shit LOL. So after yelling at them for a while I got them to send me the Asus A7V266-E for free. Well I got that and the computer still didn't work. So I took it to a local store and him diagnose it. He found that the power supply was dead and the cpu was fried!!! So Now I'f fed up with and after a bunch of yelling at them they promise to give me a full refund...although they have lied to me before so who knows
Well anyway now I'm thinking of buying a computer from a local place, because I know this guy has a good warranty and will fix anything for free if something is messed up and I know he wont sell me a shtty none working pc. BUT he will only sell a Gigabyte motherboard because.....well something about how there not overclocking boards, but I know you can overclock them. Anyway I'm just trying to find out what the best Gigabyte motherboard would be. I'm think the GA-7DXR+.
Here is the system specs w/o the mobo :
Athlon XP 1600
60gig 7200 HD
512 DDR
GeForce2 TI 64MB DDR
19" Monitor
anyway sorry for rambliing
Thanks to those who give me suggestions. :P