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Old 17th Mar 03, 09:59 PM
war59312 war59312 is offline
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Well this sucks. Just got news that my uncle, a Captain in the US Air-Force and F-15E pilot, has been sent to Qatar.

Can't wait to see what Bush has to say tonight at 8PM.

So know I am 100% sure WAR is coming very, very soon. Seeing how he is a pilot and you know what that means. Big bombs. Very Big Bombs.

Well what sucks even more is that I can't even talk to him anymore. He has been classified and his e-mail sealed.

Anyways, I thought I would share what he had to say:

As you all see from the news, the time is growing short for Iraq's compliance. I think, if one was reading the cards, it is no surprise that the outcome is what it is. Nevertheless, it's never easy to enter in to such grim circumstance as one will pointedly acknowledge that war, in itself, is a grave waste of precious life on both sides.

Why we, as humans, are hell-bent on killing each other is beyond me. This, however, is not a second guessing of the steps President Bush is taking, contrary more to support what he is doing. The Iraqi regime is, in essence, the carnation of the Nazis, killing it's own and defying international law time and time
again. The regime must end.

We are the final instruments of diplomacy failed. It is likely that I will not be able to communicate much longer, so I would ask that you not be worried if your communications are not received on this end when the time comes. We will emerge through the other side and continue where we left off.

In these quiet last moments, I've reflected of yesteryear when we sat in nearly the same desert waiting the final trumpet call to battle. While today I bask in optimism and hope, obviously the last war was filled with darkness and pain beyond comprehension. A lot has changed from that war to this one, and believe it or not, in spite of the missions at hand, I feel calmness unlike I did back then. Certainly, we will never sell the enemy short-for in arrogance comes defeat. Perhaps it is a function of age, when I was younger I feared what I would miss had I not survived. Today I look back on a most beautiful life, a beautiful wife and a heaven-sent son, a wonderfully caring family...and I am at peace. I feel for the youth who will fight this war on the ground,
they are where I was. I have made a pact with myself to strike down as many of the enemy as I can to save one and each American. I will spare nothing to that end. Their moms and dads deserve their sons and daughters home just as the aviators of Desert Storm paved the way for our ultimate return.

I appreciate the prayers that have been sent our way. There is a high sense of energy and optimism in the squadron and, indeed, in the United States military as a whole. We truly appreciate the support of the American we stand virtually alone. America is such an incredible country, an incredible people of vast diversity. When I see the multi-faceted nature of our military, from the capability structure to the
cultural diversity of the people who run it, I am so proud to be a part of his military, this nation and this history.

You are all uniquely appreciate and loved. You all hold a very special place in my heart. The support from home has been overwhelming...sometimes too much! Again, thank you all.
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Old 18th Mar 03, 01:02 AM
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These eloquent words will remain a constant reminder, to me, that despite the inevitability of war, there will always be hope for the future of our country, our way of life, and for the final peace that we all will some day meet.

Thank you for the post...I hope it gets read by many.

-Sigma Zeta 314
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Old 18th Mar 03, 01:10 AM
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It was read by me, thank you. I wish your uncle a safe return and not just because I'm from the USA. I hate to see any type of war. By the way, my brother is also in the service.
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Old 18th Mar 03, 03:37 AM
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I wish your uncle a safe return as well. And I certainly hope that if war starts in 48 hours, that Mr. Bush finishes it this time.
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Old 18th Mar 03, 04:08 AM
agamemnon agamemnon is offline
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As a Canadian I am deeply ashamed at my governments failure to support our friends and neighbours in America. I am not ashamed of the principle of standing up to our much larger cousins but on this issue I fear we our very, very wrong in not helping with this war.
Unfortunately the government of Canada has seceded in emasculating our military, the death of a thousand cuts.
I suppose it is meaningless words to say it but most people I know support the US and Israel- I don't know any one who picked up a placard this weekend.
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Old 18th Mar 03, 04:29 AM
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@war59312 -> Its people like your father that I'm in totall awe of. Those are amazing words, and I never thought of Iraq's culture similiar to old Nazi Germany. That is a truly scary thought.

@All -> We must all love our nation, and love our neighbors in times like these. Understanding that people kill each other for religious reasons is totally beyond me. Granted that some sections of Judaism are very strict, I will do my best to help my fellow neighbors to try and create a understanding bond between two parties. Basically, I hope that this war, if that is the final judgement, will finally stop this nonsence and progate love and respect throughout. Yes, it may sound washy, but its just a hope. We should all bow are heads in respect for the men & women who are risking their lives to protect ours and our already fragile culture. Love and respect, is that a global possiblity? Or are people still greedy, or feel threaten? I have many questions. Though I don't want to bore anyone here with a novela. I want to pay my respects. I hope I have done that to par. Bless you all.
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Old 18th Mar 03, 02:27 PM
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Thanks much Will for sharing this personal note with us

It is people like your uncle that I hold in utmost respect, his brave words and steely resolve will echo in mind these coming days. War is always a last option and not something to be treated lightly - but in some circumstances is the only option available.

I bow my head in respect for those that will be fighting for the world's freedom


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Old 18th Mar 03, 09:33 PM
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Thanks guys, I know he greatly appreciates it.
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Old 20th Mar 03, 02:32 AM
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Well damn my uncle is more important than i thought. hehe

Even though he is 33 not 32.

And damn just learned he has been in Qatar for two months. My dad said he just left but i guess not.

See here is what my aunt said just a sec ago:

Dan and I were interviewed by writers from the Charlotte Observer. I thought
you may be interested to read it. Just note they subtracted a year from
Dan's age, but other than that, it's an accurate article. Click on the link
and then look for the story titled "From the Ground to the Skies" in the
section, More from the Observer.
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Old 20th Mar 03, 03:10 PM
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Nice story

Hang in there bud


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