omfg, I think my computer is plotting against me

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Aparently it got the wise idea to test me on what I got certified to do today. I was looking at Epox's site and saw a new BIOS for my board and decided to flash. Flash goes ok, but I reboot to nothing. My monitor would get a signal from the video card, then lose it, get one, lose it. I opened the case, powered it on again, and the first thing I noticed was my HDD's light kept coming on and off, then I looked at the cpu fan and it would spin at full speed for about three seconds, slow down, spin, slow, over and over, in sync with the HDD light. I looked at the POST LED thing on the board that gives you read outs of the post code it's on to troubleshoot, and it would get to C1, start over, C1, start over. So I grab my manual, looked at what C1 meant, and to quote the book:
C1h * *Detect Memory
* * * * *- *Auto-detection of DRAM size, type and ECC.
* * * * *- *Auto-detection of L2 cache (socket 7 or below)
At this point I'm going what in the ****?!? A bios flash killed my ram?

no way in hell
I pull one stick, does the same thing, change the one in there with the one I just pulled, same thing, one at a time in the other two slots, same thing all the way around. With this board, if you hold down the insert key at boot, it will clear all the cpu and ram timings and set them to fail safe defaults. I tried that, and it's STILL doing the same thing.
At this point I thought I had a dead BIOS and was going to have to RMA my board. I'm sitting here thinking great, less than 8 hours after becoming A+ certified I manage to kill my motherboard, not a good start lmao.
Last ditch effort I set the clear CMOS jumper to 2-3, powered it on for a few seconds, cut it back off, changed it back to 1-2, and it booted fine like nothing had ever happened
/me looks at my computer and wonders if it's possessed, that's waaaay too big of a coincidence for me