JackDynne ----
The Star Beast is the first real novel I can remember reading. I still re-read and enjoy most of Heinlein's stuff, though personally I haven't much use for anything he wrote after The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I don't know about you, but his ideas about individualism and proper behaviour had a strong influence on me. I share some of your feelings. Nonetheless, the standard American mythology you are re-hashing in your last post does NOT stand up to a serious argument.
Maybe the reason you "don't get it" is partly because for decades now, unless one really goes looking for it, he never hears a serious argument about this sort of thing. *sigh* While I'd love to buy you a drink and discuss that, it isn't why either of us is here.
Food for Thought Dept. -- Why is it that, in the USA, complete strangers think nothing of interrogating you about your livelihood and finances, but discussing a person's religion or politics is usually considered somewhat rude and overly familiar? In Europe, I understand that most people feel exactly the opposite. Until at least the mid-20th Century, politics was a lively topic for conversation in this country, so why do people now mostly feel compelled to stick to "safe" subjects, like sports and television?