AMD BARTON 3000+ CHIPS appear to be in stock with a US supplier but you'll need plenty of cash if you want one. The new chips are about the same price as their Intel equivalents.
The Barton core has a lot to live up to. It has to keep AMD going while Microsoft gets its act together over a 64bit version of Windows for Clawhammer. Although prices for Barton have surfaced before, this is the first time we've seen a site claim to have them in stock. With a boxed Athlon XP 3000+ at US$644.99, we don't have much intention of testing whether they really do have stock or not.
A 3GHz Pentium 4 will set you back US$684.99 from the same place. It seems obvious that AMD's financial pinch is hurting. If it is willing to sell at the same price as Intel, it probably needs the money badly. Although, to be just as nasty, it is possible that production problems could be behind the high price. At US$644.99 only the most ardent AMD fan is likely to splash out.
Whatever the reason for the high price, if you're determined to get yourself a Barton right now, Accubyte is the company that claims to have stock.
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