k, that's good to know.
i thing if i go there 'twice in a role'(closing my browser n opening it again n all)
it should give a full stealth Box, right? i'll shure try it.
i really don't know Linux, you know?....i mean... i dont know where i can visualise d log's, services, performance, devices... all things that r going on in d box without d GUI interface :-s thx for yr reply, man you seam to know abound a Linux box
could you help some? i just need some 'first enlightnement' to start [b:aed69c9202]digging...[/b:aed69c9202]
could you give some clew(s)on how, mmm...
e.x. how do i upgrade it's kernel?... or...
how do i apply a patch for some program/service?
(i'm asking this 1, cause some friend of mine pointed me a patch to 'secure it' as a 'stelth'box, i went got it, but it was a '***.patch' n i don't have a clew waht to do with it
... -sould i put it in some dir n overwrite some file? or apply it (how?) over some .conf file?
please, help me out on this man, i'm really begigging to love 'Linux Way' more n more
, i find it to be more fun to work with (go figure... n i'm still a RAW newbie,hehe), but i think i just need a 'first kick' to start messing it up, lol.
the info that i've been founding around d net (pointed by friends n/or contacts) always assume you [b:aed69c9202]Know[/b:aed69c9202] what to do in front of d console... i don't. it's like putting a guy that all is life only knew there was Linux/Unix to mess with, n know he discover Windows in a DOS prompt
maybe some ppl who r beggining to start linux know could post some links on how to REALLY start knowing it without d GUI.
thx, this post must be a mile long already,lol.
cheers [img]smile.gif[/img]
[ November 27, 2001: Last edited by nnuxx ]</p>