It's a project Zone-MR and I are developing, along with input and graphics work etc. from the rest of the crew. All I can say is this: I gurantee that every single user we have here will be very pleased with it. By the time we are done, we'll have quite a few custom developed modifications integrated into Invision Board, with enough options to suit every single members tastes, no matter what they may be. It's very customizable in a sense, if you don't like any of the additions we add, you will have the option of disabling them in some cases, changing how they appear in others. The frontpage is getting revamped as well. The frontpage will get a much needed facelift too, I've shown a few people the beta I have done thus far, Richardc2000 and DaveH being two of them, so they can tell you what they think of it so far

. I've spent nearly every free moment I've had in the past two weeks working on this, and it's nearly done with the basic design and layout. Zone has been fairly busy moving the past week, but he's back now, so he has a bit of PHP programming ahead of him, then after that it's smooth sailing finishing it up

. It may take the full 41 days left in the countdown to finish it, it might not, mabye we'll give you guys an early Christmas present

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