BetaONE will rise again!

Old 19th Nov 02, 02:50 AM
agamemnon agamemnon is offline
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We recently bought a RX650 Sony pc; we thought it just about right when we balanced features and cost. Indeed we really did some research (after the great Packard-Bell fiasco of 1999).
So we asked the salesman about the speed of the Seagate 80GB hard drive- of course it runs at 7200 he said, we remember him specifically saying.
Well a month later I am trying to find where a possible bottleneck might be that would explain some readings in PC Pit Stop and some sluggishness that I didn't think should be there given rthe 512 RAM and the 1.6 p4 cpu. Sure enough for some reason Sony had equipped this group of pcs with Seagate ST380020As 80.03 GB, which run at 5400rpm spindle speed.The retail cost of the 7200 model is something like 40.00 Canadian more.
OK all this brings me to my question, do I have a legitimate complaint against the store? How likely is a small Electronics chain (Visions) going to believe the customer over their salesman. He says he remembers the question but claims he answered with "its a huge hard drive, I'm not sure but I THINK it must run at 7200rpm". We remember it differently.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and yes next time we are going to build are own.
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Old 19th Nov 02, 03:17 AM
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greasemonkey greasemonkey is offline
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Most salesmen will try to cover there butts first and foremost, best bet would be to talk directly to the manager and know what you want before hand. In otherwords know what solution will satisify you (new computer, free hard drive exchange, pay difference). If no response the next steps would be to email/contact Visions , then maybe Sony. If nothing comes of it report it to the Better Business Bureau.
Try to approach it as an honest misktake (some salesmen I've met at Visions have trouble finding power buttons! let alone knowing whats inside), if you get mad or accuse them of fraud they will go on the defensive.
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Old 19th Nov 02, 03:20 AM
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Go directly to the manager at visions, and tell him what occurred. I bet you get the problem solved no problem.

If they actually refuse to acknowledge the problem, start talking real loud, use the word LIAR alot - they will do pretty much ANYTHING to shut you up LOL.

I had a simular problem with an amp I bought there - told me it had a feature which it did not - and I was looked after promptly.
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Old 19th Nov 02, 10:48 AM
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Its your word against his. But then you could say about incompitance, that this salesman doesn't even know the specifications. They should be able to answer any of your questions, or check if they are not sure.
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Old 19th Nov 02, 06:18 PM
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Hey.. Yeah don't worry about it.. I worked at London Drugs for half a year, and ive seen tons of people come in complaining, and leave satisfied. Besides, MOST store use the "customers allways right" attitude.
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Old 6th Dec 02, 03:51 AM
ericksonusa ericksonusa is offline
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What happened to the customer is always right?

Guess they don't want repeat business
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