Here are some rumors on features that may be included in IE 7
1. There will be a spell checker for forms and for people who have office 11 there will be a thesauruse both will work the same way is the right click menu that already exists in MS word(red underline etc)
2. Popups. There will be no popup stopper but there will be limits on what popups can do (no full screen and multiple popups etc)
3. Tabs there is likely to be some sort of tab UI but it is likely to be different to the in Mozilla and Opera.
4. The will some sort of theme ability similar to that of Opera
5. There will be many new features for window XP that will not be in 98,98se,me to do with the abilities of the operating system.
there will be no version for Windows NT4
More Rumors....
IE 7 will be IE .NET and it will be the last IE !!
Microsoft accepted that integrating IE into the shell was a bad idea from a security perspective (not marketing wise
) so they are diversifying IE from the shell and making a new browser. MSN explorer is planned to take over when the IE line ends.....
Thx to bink for this news