hi my friend
i have a ASUS P3BF on my server n i had (some time ago) a P III/850 running at 900 Mht with no prob at all (that was d top speed that i was glad with d stability/performance of my system, but i was using DIMMS at 100Mhz... that cpu already have a FSB @ 133Mhz
i had some bad luck back then cause my VGA board died on me (MSI 32Mb tv-out)
and when that happened it also fried my 850CPU.
mmm... i always believed that my VGA was d cuse of my cpu death n not d other way around
i remember hen i bought d Mobo, that d guy who helped me put it toghether back then, sayd it would manage a P III 1.2Ghz MAX,
but i never had d chance to put my hands on a P III >900Mhz with SLOT1 to try it out
my guess is that it will manage it, i love this Mobo, only thing that u can force in BIOS (in switch mode) is d CPU core voltage that may rise a bit and WILL heat up all yr system, but for monitoring that, install asusprobe, so you can c all tempš and keep it with a nice fan (or more, preferently) in there.
IMHO i would go 4 it, m8