I'm here with my fellow Neowinian _Allan_ at Energize IT 2007, Toronto Convention Centre. We'll be using _Allan_'s blog with constant updates on what's happening.
This fast paced demo intensive morning is designed to get your blood flowing and refuel your excitement about working in IT. In these 2 hours you’ll see the latest innovations, recognize leaders in the community, and showcase the latest Microsoft-based technologies. The afternoon will be jammed packed with sessions and tracks that appeal to a wide range of interests. This is your chance to truly get your Geek On! There are 8 different tracks and 3 hands on labs to choose from.
- Track #1: IT Professional
- Track #2: Developer
- Track #3: Gadget
- Track #4: Security
- Track #5: Real World Solutions - 1
- Track #6: Real World Solutions - 2
- Track #7: Designer
- Track #8: GameCamp

Forum Discussion
Blog Entry (Live - Constant Updates)
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