Samsung Electronics revealed that 21 of its DDR3 memory chips and modules have been validated by Intel, meaning they are certified as compatible with Intel's PC chip sets. The newer chips will offer data transfer speeds up to 1.6Gbps, twice the memory bandwidth of DDR2. That means better performance for both 3-D graphics and multithreaded applications that tap the power of multi-core processors. The chips will also consume less power, around 1.5 volts compared to 1.8 volts for DDR2, which means longer notebook battery life, the hardware giant said.
The South Korean electronics maker will begin volume production of DDR3 chips before the end of next month, in time to start commercial sales during the second half of the year. At Microsoft's WinHEC conference, the company will show off a PC with 8GB of DDR3 memory (4 x 2G
. The crossover point where shipments of DDR3 exceed DDR2 will come in early 2009 or late 2008, depending on how fast memory makers can drive down prices, said Tae-Sung Jung, the senior vice president of Samsung's memory division, in November.
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