Better late than never - Microsoft finally has finished work on its first 64-bit client operating system. Windows XP Professional x64 was released together with three server Editions of the software to manufacturing. The development track of the client software is plastered with a series of delays, but Microsoft kept its most recent promise made at the Spring Intel Developer Forum to ship the software in the April timeframe. Microsoft will officially announce the operating systems at WinHEC 2005, which is held from April 25 to 27 in Seattle. Commercial availability of the client and server packages is indicated as "late April".
Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition provide customers with "increased performance, reliability and security while providing the versatility to run both 32-bit and 64-bit applications, enabling them to move to 64-bit computing at their own pace," Microsoft said in a statement. According to the manufacturer, users will see performance improvements of up to 35 percent with native 64-bit applications, if compared to their 32-bit versions. 32-bit software running under Windows x64 are likely to see no speed increase.
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