just saying hi by DigitalSteel
yeah long time no see :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
had a lot of real life problems :s0ckrd: [and i mean a lot] :adsf: more them my share and 2 other people
I got threw them :violin: and :violin: fixed some of them and am ready to work and visit more often :sniff:
So i am saying hello to all for now --- see you guys {those who still remember me} around the boards
3 moves [yes i moved 4 times in less then a year] many different reason's
1 death's [1 my aunt from Breast cancer ]
swtiched jobs a couple time because of move's and downsizing etc.....
lost of net cause of moves and such [actually very limted access]
thats just a few of the thing's i went thre
like my mom says whatever don't kill you will make you stronger