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Old 19th Jan 05, 06:45 PM
Zone-MR Zone-MR is offline
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New Util: WUNagKill
I was getting a little frustrated with the Windows Update system in SP2. A few days ago it downloaded an update on my laptop. It's a relatively insignificant update, and since my laptop isn't directly connected to the Internet, installing it could certainly wait a few hours until I finish what I am doing and decide to reboot.

However WU in SP2 doesn't make life easy. Once it realises that it can install an update, it will nag the user every few minutes to reboot. Even worse, the reboot reminder steals focus from other applications (very bad design). This means that if you are in the middle of typing something, and you're unlucky, you'll hit the "R", spacebar, or enter key just as the window pops up - forcing a reboot and likely losing your data.

The solution - I coded this little app in about 2 minutes. It's a tiny EXE ( <24k ) EXE which, when executed, will surpress the Windows Update nag until next reboot, letting you finish what you are doing without interruptions, so you can restart when convenient.
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