952 dead Americans. Over 10000 dead Iraqis. And counting...
And for what? I am still waiting for the big annoucement telling the world that we have found the weapons of mass destruction. Remember those folks?! That was the main reason our leaders gave for us to go into this war of choice. Well, I am still waiting!
Keep in mind that I was a supporter of this action at the time. I, foolishy, agreed with Bush, Powell, Rummy, and the rest. What a moron I was!!!
Bottom line, we chose to invade Iraq. The intelligence (that's a laugh) or outright lies we were told have proven to be wrong. There were no WMD's. At least not since we got there.
So what have we gained by this endeavor? We toppled Saddam. Not bad. He is a tyrant and a murderer. But if we are going to get rid of all the leaders we don't like, then we should go after Kim Jong-il of North Korea, Bashar al-Assad of Syria, and Omar el-Bashir of Sudan.
Not usually a cynic, I am left to wonder why Bush got us into this mess. Was it personal? Trying to get back at Saddam for trying to kill Bush Sr. Was it because of the oil? Of was it something even more sinister?
Listen, I think Bush did great right after 9/11 rallying the country to go after Osama in Afghanistan. But since then, this whole obsession with Iraq and Saddam has really disappointed me.
I submit that the world is much less safe because of what we did in Iraq. How many million more people HATE the US? How many more Osama's are being created for future generations to be terrorized by? Bush lost focus on Osama and we are all left to deal with the consequences.
History may one day show that I am wrong about my opinion. I'll leave that to those who come after I no longer walk this Earth. But for me, so far, Iraq will be in my mind one of the greatest mistakes the USA ever made.
My heart goes out to the families of those who were "sacrificed" for this stupid policy decision. I won't say they died in vain, but sometimes it seems that way, sorry to say
How could we have let this happen...
MNKid - Bush voter in 2000