Installed the latest beta to see how far the project had progressed only to find the damn thing had regressed instead. Upon first reboot generic Host Process for Win 32 crashed- bit of De ja Vu there- Network Connector Service failed to start- couldnt edit or view network connections and then windows explorer died and refused to restart. Not a good first impression!
Rebooted to see if that would help but got the same errors, wonderfull, MS Strikes again.
Windows beta client refused to run meaning i couldnt bug the damn errors and now MS has, in their infinite wisdom or lack of as the case may be, disabled the ability to file reports via the windows beta website.
Uninstalled the damn thing to find XP SP1 is now corrupt as well, network problems like SP2. Can't view or edit network connections.
FU-CK them, this piece of poopie is as screwed as Windows ME. The chances of me even downloading the next build are about as high as microsoft employing a fair business practice towards Lindows (i will still use their proper name, no gagging order on me!). As far as them expecting me to reccomend this piece of verminous crap to both exisiting and prospective clients as a Security Update they have no chance at all- i will wait for 12 months after the release date when the 3 dozen sp2 fixes have been released and tested. At least then users will know what the failings are.
I know it's a beta, i'm part of the beta test team, but for MS to release this piece of crap as a new build is unbelievable- go back to the alpha builds and start again, you obviously made some serious errors somewhere along the lines.