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Old 14th May 04, 05:37 PM
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wow, lots of varied opinions on this,,

Tubey, i guess old farts like us, who have seen how the Muslim religion has grown to hate the Western "way" don't have alot of patience for how some of the younger folks feel about this issue.

Truth be told, Tubey is 1000% correct; every day, more and more Muslims who used to tolerate our Western Ways, grow to hate our ways; whether its pressure from their fellow Muslims, or just the way westerners live, its the cold cruel facts of todays' world.
Whether you like it or not, THEY expect tolerance for their way of life, yet more and more do not want to offer us the same common courtesy..

I am not saying all Muslims feel this way, but as I look back at their perception of the USA 20 years ago, and compare it to how it is today, there is NO DOUBT their hate for our culture and way of life has grown dramatically..
And, since many of the members here are under 30 years of age, they aren't aware of this dramatic increase of HATE the Muslim world has moved toward us in the last 20+ years.

Agree or disagree, the reality is Ameica is hated now more than ever, and if you don't agree, then you need to open your eyes much wider than you do now....
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