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Old 21st Mar 04, 11:12 PM
PCTech PCTech is offline
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As I have posted in the past month or so, I bought a DFI NFII Ultra Infinity! Stay AWAY FROM IT!!! It has software on its driver disk called Radarsync, if your lucky enough to get it to post after you install and run that then flash the bios and make sure you have 1 stick of ram in or it will not flash right! Or atleast thats what happened to me! So After RMAing the SAME board 2 times to and still couldn't get one to work right, one didn't post the other I ran that stupid program on it that came with it, and it broke it. So Which mother board should I get?

Asus which one?
Abit Which one?
Gigabyte ???

Which other board brands are good gamers boards and do overclock? I'm tired of reading reviews from as most of them are very misleading so I am asking you guys, my family what I should do! I have a shuttle ak31 with the latest bios, but it doesn't cut it when it comes to processor support.

Needing Advice,
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