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Old 23rd Jul 02, 07:24 PM
tubebuoy's Avatar
tubebuoy tubebuoy is offline
Chopped Liver
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 851
tubebuoy is on a distinguished road
Well, you know billy boy had to get someone, read on...

Last Saturday I did a clean install of a virgin (un-patched) WinXP MSDN using a blue list PID 640 key. Installation went fine.System ran great all weekend, Then last night (Monday) I decided to try SP1 1078.

Files verified when unpacking and installed with no prob and when the time was right I rebooted. And here is what I got...

...The procedure entry point AssocIsDangerous could not be located in the dynamic link library SHLWAPI.dll...

All I could do was click 'ok' Boink!...

...The login interface DLL msgina.dll failed to load. Contact your local administrator...

Uhm, that would be me.

Safe mode does the same thing. Last know good...also does no good.

Fair enough, I was half expecting trouble and had copied the stuff I needed from my Cdrive before I installed MSDN so this wasn't that big a deal...

Untill I decided to reboot from the MSDN Format C, and reinstall. MSDN will NOT BOOT, the loading procedure says it's looking for boot record from CDrom,waits a few seconds and then continues to boot fron the HD.

So I try the good old 'Devil' copy. Reboot sees this and goes into "Windows in now checking your hardware" and the screen goes BLACK,waits about 3 minutes, reboots and does the same thing over and over and...

Super ERD disc is seen as bootable and says "ok" and sits there saying 'OK' Same with Norton Syswrks.

Fortunatley I have Win2K lying around and it BOOTS! And INSTALLS! I figure, "OK, I'm home now! Lets do a clean install of XP Devil (after confirming MSDN still wont 'boot')" Same deal, gets to the checking hardware and dies!

So, lets boot into 2K and just do a 'full' install from the CD. (forgeting that this will create a dual boot system) It copies all of the files to beging installation, reboots and, you guessed it, BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH. Only now I have a freakin' dual boot system with Win2K (which works) and a beautiful BLACK SCREEN XP PRO!

Can you say ARGAHARAGHARAGAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've come to the conclusion that SP1 realy messed my MBR up. Why 2K boots but nothing else is does is beyond me but the bios seems ok so repair MBR is the only thing I can think of.

After that it's write zeros to HD with Western Digital 'tool kit'. But I'm not sure if that will wipe MBR and let me reinstall HD from scratch.

Any suggestions?

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