FYI if you have'nt heard already, update your virus defintions if you have'nt already.
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Alert: Information on Mass Mailer Worm W32/Mimail@MM
August 1, 2003
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At 10:47 A.M. Pacific Time on August 1, Microsoft began investigating a mass mailer worm reported by our Virus Information Alliance (VIA) partners. This worm spreads through e-mail if the recipient opens an attached zip file and then opens an HTML file that is contained in the zip file.
The worm has been designated a Moderate threat by Microsoft VIA partners. There is no indication that this worm causes damage to data; it merely uses affected computers to replicates itself.
Quick Facts and Actions
This worm exploits a vulnerability that was addressed by Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-014 released on April 23, 2003. Microsoft recommends that you take the following actions:
Make sure you have the latest critical updates from Microsoft Windows Update.
If you have antivirus software installed on your computer, get the latest virus definitions from your antivirus vendor's Web site.
If you do not have antivirus software installed on your computer, visit Windows Catalog for a list of antivirus software vendors.
Recovery and Support
If you think your computer has been infected with this worm, contact Microsoft Product Support Services or your antivirus vendor for help with removing it.
Microsoft Product Support Services is available to help customers with free support:
In the United States and Canada, call toll-free (866) PCSAFETY (727-2338).
For worldwide support, contact your local Microsoft office.
You can recognize an e-mail sent by the worm from the following indications:
The e-mail contains the following text:
From: Admin [admin@e-mail recipient's domain]
Subject: your account [name of e-mail recipient appears here]
Importance: High
Hello there,
I would like to inform you about important information regarding your e-mail address. This e-mail address will be expiring. Please read attachment for details.
--- Best regards, Administrator
The worm spreads only if a recipient of an infected e-mail clicks on an attached .zip file named and then opens an enclosed file named message.html.
For More Information
Get additional details about this worm from Microsoft VIA partners.
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