Intel Corporation today introduced new Intel Itanium 2 processors and Intel Xeon processors MP, further strengthening Intel's products for high-end enterprise computing. These processors set a new precedent for world-class performance and breadth and scale of systems. This builds on the broad choice of software and operating systems and architectural strengths that have made Intel processors the choice for the majority of server deployments.
The Itanium 2 processor with 6 MB of integrated level three (L3) cache at 1.50 GHz, the Itanium 2 processor with 4 MB of L3 cache at 1.40 GHz, and the Itanium 2 processor with 3 MB of L3 cache at 1.30 GHz are priced at $4,226, $2,247 and $1,338 in 1,000-unit quantities, respectively.