Originally posted by M31@May 29 2003, 02:34 PM
Has anyone come acoss a report that says weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq.
We were told before the war that such weapons could be deployed within 45 minutes. So where are they?
and i bet you were one of the ones saying "Give the UN more time to do inspections. MORE TIME...they need more time"..
Has it even been a month since the war ended? Why not give the CIA and other teams some "more time"?
They did find and confirm the mobile weapon labs, the same ones I believe Saddam wasn't supposed to have and ..probably denied having. Of course, its the CIA ....so once again...Lets give saddam the benefit of the doubt and not believe our guys....
About the "war for oil"
My attempt at spin: How about an "Anti-War for Oil" ... have you looked into France and Russias dealings w/ Saddam and the contracts they had for oil. Hmm... I wonder why they were so against the war...? Could it be because if Saddam lost power..they'd get no more oil?
About Lynch.
I wasn't there. Were you?
just found this
Blair Says Iraq Weapons Secrets Will Be Publicized