Column To anticipate, perchance to have a nightmare
THE UP AND COMING release of Doom 3 is easily one of the most anticipated events in the entire history of the personal computer, potentially equaled in recent years only by AMD's upcoming Athlon 64 launch and, when compared to the sum total of human history, by the Second Coming. For almost two years every video card that's been launched has been evaluated by its future standard, first all-but invisibly, and then, as the appointed day drew nearer, with increasing fervor. John Carmack may have done more damage to NVIDIA's low-end budget video lineup then the entire tech recession of the past three years combined when he uttered the (paraphrased) sentence: "Do not buy a GeForce4 MX to play Doom 3." He might as well have said: "Do not buy, consider, or look sidewise at a GeForce4 MX, period, for any reason."