LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Actor Sean Penn's car, stolen as he had lunch near the University of California campus at Berkeley, has been recovered but two guns inside were missing, police said Sunday.
The car was found Friday in Richmond, California, nine miles from where it was stolen, said Lt. Arnold Threets of Richmond police department.
Penn, 42, who lives just north of San Francisco, was driving a black 1987 Buick Grand National, a collector's favorite. There were two guns in the car, a handgun and a Smith and Wesson revolver. Penn had permits for the guns.
The intense actor has starred in films such as "I Am Sam," "Dead Man Walking" and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High."
Missing from this story, not only does Penn have a permit, he also has a 'conceal and carry' permit
Typical Liberal BS if you ask me. "Make movies, not war. But if you mess with me, I'll blow your ass away!" What a bunch of CRAP!