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Old 5th Apr 03, 07:26 AM
MadMax350 MadMax350 is offline
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Had XP Pro for about a month or so now. I just now got a 100gb HDD to replace my small 15gb unit and found out that I had made a mistake!

Appearantly, Windows XP does not allow for the use of "most" hard disk copy utilities. Western Digital's DLG will not even touch the NTFS file system and the MAXTOR Maxblast II software will attempt to copy the partitian but will hang when it gets to the end of the copy.

I have heard that there are progs available like Ghost and Casper XP that will allow for an HD copy but of course, these cost money.

I contacted Microsoft support and spoke to them about my issue. According to the tech rep, Windows XP has many integrated security and copy protection features that do not allow for the copying of an HDD. The tech rep wasn't sure, but did say that I would probably have to uninstall windows XP from my original drive, then call the windows activation hotline to have them reset my XP version.

Once this is done, I would have to install XP onto my new HD, then manually reinstall all of my applications and programs from scratch. The tech did note that perhaps there might be another way around this issue but I would basically have to pay for "advanced" support to find out how to do it, if it could be done.

I expressed my concern that Microsoft designed an OS that basically could only be installed on one hard drive that could not be upgraded easily. I further stated my disapproval that microsoft should list some kind of notice on their packaging letting the end user know what perils lie ahead if they wished to perform such upgrades after the installation was performed.

My question to this BBS: any way to upgrade my HDD without buying other software and without spending a lot of time reinstalling stuff to end up with a funky drive letter that isn't c:?
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