I see that there is a lot of Linux versions available when reading through some of the threads here... Such as Red Hat and mandrake, what is the difference? Is one better then the other? Lastly, do I need a serial for either of these
Also, any good sites to learn a bit more on compatibility issues (hardware). So I can make sure the computer I am puttin it on has compatible hardware.
One more thing... Any good place to download this from? I am currently downloading Red Hat - but 26hrs time (BTW what is the disk two for, do I need this to complete the install or is it some extra crap)
Hoping the speed picks up a bit. Then I will look for the mandrake one - just so I can have both just in case I find one is better...?
Ok, weell it seems that this server also has mandrake and it is perty fast (200+kb)... So now, is there any [i:cbdaf6192d]real[/i:cbdaf6192d] difference between the two of them - or am I just downloading two of the exact same things
The downloads currently running are:
enigma-docs.iso (what ever this is)
Don't know what these two below are, but gett'n such a good speed figured why not...
Then for mandrake I am grabb'n...
All of this should be done in about 4 hrs (I luv fast servers lol)
[ November 26, 2001: Last edited by Lucky ]</p>