yeah, my wife wanted the compact size of the Imac, and its really nice and small for her; for me, I have a 30inch Dell monitor, so I wanted a seperate box to hook it up to.
That mini sounds really cool; can you add RAM to it, or is it sealed up?
Its amazing how much faster, and how many things you can run with no slow down at all on these things. My wife only has 2 gigs of RAM, but yesterday she had Photoshop, light room, Iphoto, Ilife, I tunes, email, 12 web Browsers, and all sorts of other shit running, and you couldn't even tell on her machine..imagine doing that with Vista!
Plus, we bought the cheapo laptop, and its SO MUCH faster than my high end windows Toshiba I sold, plus the battery life is 3 times as long..
I gotta believe if 100 people actually tried out Mac stuff, 85 would dump windows in a heartbeat...