ATI SAID today that reports of problems with AGP8X and the Radeon 9700 Pro won't affect everyone with these type of motherboards.
As there aren't that many AGP8X boards out yet, we'd say that it's, as PR spinners everywhere say: "A small percentage of a low percentage".
A representative claimed that it's not the graphics card that's to blame but the motherboard. It's not true to say, the representative added, that it affects all AGP8X mobos.
He said: "There have been very few AGP 8X problems reported, and many are due to issues unrelated to the graphics card itself.
There is some kind of a problem though and ATI doesn't want to point the finger at any particular mobo.
He added: "ATI is aware of a small number of reports of incompatibility between the RADEON 9700 PRO graphics accelerator and certain AGP 8X motherboards. It is important to emphasize that the number of incidents is very low. "
He continued: "Extensive testing has been done, in conjunction with motherboard chipset manufacturers, motherboard manufacturers and with retail available motherboards, to determine if compatibility issues exists. From these tests, it has been concluded that no compatibility issues exist with the current or soon to be released AGP 8X motherboards. "
And he added: "Some end users have reported issues to our Customer Service department that we are investigating. From the data that has been gathered, it appears that issues that have been reported are caused by individual board issues and are not indicative of a general compatibility issue. "
People with the problem, he said: "Are encouraged to contact our Customer Service Department should they have an operational problem with their product."
There's some extra measures that the small percentage of a small percentage can take, he continued.
"In addition, it is important to ensure that appropriate system preparation is done prior to installing the RADEON 9700 PRO. We recommend installing the latest motherboard BIOS in the system as well as the latest available AGP drivers. Many of the 8X issues have been resolved with an updated BIOS from the motherboard manufacturer."
But as to which motherboards are affected, ATI is so far unwilling to say.
Source: The Inquirer
Last edited by ecperez at Today at 8:48 am