Ok i have a 420W power Suppy not Certified power supply for Amd but i was told that it would be find for what im doing. I just got the Demo of UT2
and win i play the Asus Probe come on with the +3.3 is going to low the lowest it go is 2.8 with load with out load it 2.796 do i need to get a new power Suppy or can i do some thing or is this ok what parts do the 3.3 V power on My Sys
Thanks Killer
Amd 2200xp
Asus A7V333
1 Cd 1 Cdrw 2 HD 1 floppy 3 case fans 1 Cpu Fan
GF4 it4600, Lan
Power Suppy is a Turbolink CWT-420 ATX max 420watt
I put my Fluke (MM) one the +3.3V and i get +3.12V to +3.02V even win Asus probe sad it as +2.98V its it Asus probe or my power Supply asus prolbe all so sad my fan with For 4000rpm to 0 and back up to 10000rpm a in 1 sec. litte fast LOL so im dont relly have a lot of fath in Asus probe now NE one Else have the same thing happin to them whats srage is that it work fine for 2-3 week Last night went crazzy
Last edited by Mjt143 at Today at 7:33 pm