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ONE THING you can say about Steve Ballmer, and that is he's always good value for a bizarre quote.
And so in an interview yesterday he compared his relationship to Bill Gates as being like a wife, a partner, a parent and a brother in a dizzying display of his ideas of relativity.
He told the
Daily Jellygraph that there was a certain " husband-wife, brothers thing" and that "lets you make one plus one equal three, in terms of getting the best from two people".
Microsoft apparently has four kids, two of which are body builders in online and devices while the elder two at high school are his desktop, Windows and Office.
He said that software will be free and come with advertising. And the majority of Microsoft's revenues in three or four years will be from advertising.
You couldn't make it up. But then you're not Steve Ballmer, are you?
The INQuirer