Corsair Memory has quietly, as these are not the industry's first modules at the new speed bins, announced its 1600MHz and 1800MHz DDR3 memory modules. The new Corsair Dominator DDR3 memory modules come as 2GB dual-channel kit and can operate at 1800MHz with CL7 7-7-20 with a 2V voltage setting. Corsair's modules can currently claim highest performance among ultra high speed memory offerings, as products at similar clock-speeds from Cellshock, OCZ Technology and SuperTalent feature higher timings, which means lower performance.
The new Dominator products from Corsair are equipped with advanced heat-spreader that cools both memory chips and print-circuit board. In addition, Corsair Memory also revealed XMS3 memory modules operating at 1600MHz with CL7 7-7-20 timings with 1.9V voltage. Even though both PC3-14400 and PC3-12800 memory modules from Corsair feature interesting combinations of clock-speed, latency settings and voltages, they are unlikely to become popular overnight even among enthusiasts simply because of the lack of additional performance provided by DDR3 over DDR2. Pricing of the new Corsair Dominator DDR3 and XMS3 memory modules was not released.
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