Jobs invests in Dodo technology
APPLE'S ITUNES video and Apple TV are set to go the way of the Dodo, warned analyst Forrester.
While we were hoping that he meant that smug Apple gits were going to be clubbed to extinction by boatloads of sailors, Forrester's James McQuivey was apparently referring to the technology behind paid video downloads.
McQuivey told
Computer World that Apple for-pay video download business on iTunes and its Apple TV set-top box were technology "dead ends" which will be eclipsed by television and cable networks will quickly shift their content to free ad-supported streaming.
He said that the paid video download market in its current evolutionary state "will go the way of the dodo".
TV and cable move to ad-backed media streaming "where they have control of ads and effective audience measurement". He added that movie studios will chuck their weight behind things like Netflix mail-delivered DVD rental business.
McQuivey admitted that in the short term Apple will make piles of cash out of the idea. But he said that the market was driven by "media junkies" and not mainstream users.
McQuivey said that Apple's strategy was unsound, because its eight-week-old Apple TV has been made obsolete almost as soon as it made market. He said that if Apple had pulled finger a year and a half ago it might have been onto to a winner. But now every broadcaster plus dog is shifting to broadcast-quality streaming.
The INQuirer