NVIDIA MADE QUITE A SONG and a dance about its Nforce 2 chipset at Computex this year.
Since we already reported the marchitecture in endless detail, all we need now is to get the boards and to see if Nvidia delivers what it promised.
Nvidia claims the chipset will be 20 per cent faster than KT333 or even KT400 boards.
The question is: Are the Nvidia boards late, or not?
As the chipset was announced one and a half months ago, where are the samples, for example?
Presumably they learned quite a lot more about chipsets drivers and BIOSes than in the original Nforce debacle reported here last year.
As far as we are aware, samples are being validating now but some of Nvidia's launch partners still haven't got volume production of the motherboards and are still playing with internal samples.
We still don?t have any figures about possible pricing of these motherboards but we have already seen that many of Nvidia partners designs with integrated versions featuring Geforce 4 MX graphic and dual LAN - nVidia AGPset (nForce2 IGP-128 + nForce2 MCP-T), as well as nForce2 SPP-128 + nForce2 MCP one that are scheduled to go against KT400.
If Nvidia can keep its promises about speed, make nice drivers and position boards right this just might be the sexiest chipset on the planet.
Yes. You're right. The words sex and chipset don't lie next to each other in the same bed very well. µ
Soure: TheInquirer