RIAA chases dead man's children
But gives them a few days to grieve
IN YET ANOTHER example of tenacity over public relations, the Recording Industry of America has decided to chase a dead man's kids for his acts of file-sharing.
The RIAA, in the case of Warner Bros. v. Scantlebury, was chasing Larry Scantlebury claiming that he had downloaded files illegally.
However, when the kind-hearted RIAA heard that Scantlebury had croaked, it asked the court for a 60-day adjournment to allow his children to get over it before they chased him through the courts again. One of the interesting things about the Scantlebury case was that he accused the RIAA of, "telephoning him at his home, pretending to be 'settlement counsellors' offering bogus legal advice.
The INQuirer