BetaONE will rise again!

Old 3rd Jul 06, 07:40 PM
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Blizzard continues "working as intended" policy
BLIZZARD JUST CAN'T seem to get it right. The company is now being criticised by tens of thousands of gamers, and many of them are simply going bonkers.

We were enjoying a game on the European RP server when we decided to check the e-mail. Our Inbox was full of complaints from friends and unknown folk, sobbing about the fact that there are several servers off-line, such as Earthen Ring; terrible queues on usually-empty Steamwheedle Cartel; downed All'akhir and Kor'gall and all.

We tried logging on to the Steamwheedle Cartel, but the queue was around 100 folk and we faced a 20-minute wait to get back into the game.

Other characters on Earthen Ring - where we noticed 400-something people queues and 50-something minutes of waiting - were unavailable due to server crashing.

At the same time, the European WoW page proved unreachable, but there has been no mention of this in the game info page - neither the launch application nor the login screen talk about the problems.

Since this is a regular thing on Blizzard's Europe side - gamers who can't play can't do a darn thing, since the company seems to have a dead-ears policy about all the problems that are happening.

Of course, if you can't play, you won't get a free day of play, because that would mean the company would have to admit the fault. During the past year, I've send ten e-mails to Blizzard's PR department, but the company failed to produce a single reply. You'd think a comppany cashing in more than 70 million US dollars a month from its six million players might have the means and the wherewithall to look after said players.

The INQuirer
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