Thanks to Dannydeman for originally informing us of this and maffiaboy for submitting part of it ...
As planned, on Tuesday, Microsoft released a refreshed build of Windows Vista at its Professional Developer's Conference in Los Angeles, California. Since then, this interim 5219 build has, naturally, made its way out of attendees hands and leaked onto the Internet. This
Ultimate Edition release has the following official build string and ISO size:
5219.winmain_idx02.050830-2010 (2.73 GB)
However, the previously leaked screenshots were actually from an earlier 5219 build that was compiled on 050824 and issued to OEM partners for testing. They're NOT from the same 050830 compilation that was given to attendees at PDC 2005.
Among the changes from the previous 0824 to the leaked 0830 is the fact that the sidebar has been removed.
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