Hello All,
My personal website contains photos as well as videos of friends and family. A while back, while working at my old job, I learned how to incorporate Closed Caption into my video player (since my brother's fiance is hearing impaired). It works really well, but the problem is setting up the RealText file. I have to type out everything from when the line was said to the actual phrase iteself... Well you could just imagine how long it could take to do just 2 minutes of video! A 7 minute video took me well over a 4 hours to do.
So I've been looking online for software alternatives that could load up a video file (an AVI or an actual RealMedia file) and set up a text file that will include the time stamp and then the actual phrase for me...
00:00:46.00 The Twin Towers? They were down in this direction.
00:00:50.10 OK, we're filming.
00:00:51.10 Does it have sound?
00:00:52.00 Yup.
00:00:56.60 Do you want to take a seat, Grandma?
00:01:01.70 We're filming right now.
If I could find a software program that would yield the above results, this would totally make my life easier for all I'd have to do next is create a simple program to append the time code and phrase into a template, which spits out the RealText file I need. This would save me a heck of a lot of time!
So does anyone out there know of such a software that would accomplish this?
Thanks in advance!