Firefox, the open-source browser which only went 1.0 in November, has this morning hit 20 million downloads. At the time of writing, the site's download counter reads "20,001,054" - it's currently averaging anything from 210,000 to 270,000 downloads every day.
Asa Dotzler, from the Mozilla Foundation, said: "In seventy six days, more than sixty three thousand of you have joined the effort to deliver Firefox 1.0 to more than twenty million thankful users - you all are simply amazing! You all have demonstrated that open source community can be powerful, committed, and capable of accomplishing once-unimaginable feats."
Figures show that 1.1 million people downloaded v1.0 on the day of its release. Download figures also rose to around 300,000 a day for the two days after an advert for the browser appeared in the New York Times. The download rate has remained fairly steady since the middle of November. v1.1 of Firefox is expected later this year.
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