hello BetaONE
I too have had Many problems trying to uninstall sp2 ...
I had the errors that war did, I think that somehow the boot sector is damaged and the only way I could fix the problem was to wipe the drive 4 times...
Before I did that I even tryed to reformat, and every time i would start another windows on the same drive, but different partition, I would get an error for the formated partiton, and windows would run a checkdisk on that partition, and find no errors, But, when I reboot, another error and Checkdisk....????
I even installed xp sp2 final on this partition 2 times, and it would install OK BUT, the next time I would boot after install, it would LOCKup about every 2 times I booted, and would have to hold power button 4 seconds to get power off (Hard Lock)....Even when It would complete boot the system seemed slugish, and unstable....
After I wiped the drive 4 times, (write zeros), I had no more errors, and could install windows again with no problems...
I recomend NOT to uninstall the sp2 RC builds, I recomend just formating or Wiping the drive, then do a clean install of a sliped gold xp with sp2 final, then you should have a good stable OS again...
You still may have some issues with certain programs, but for the most part, the system will be stable, and these problems will be solved when the software makers fix and update there wares to sp2 specs...
I think sp2 handles memory a little different also, and this could be part of the problem also...
I hope this makes some kind of sense and I hope it may help a little...
NOTE: I used partition magic to format, like I have for Years, but had the problems now when trying to format this corrupted partiton after the Uninstall...
I reformated and wiped the drives with Acronis, and It seemed to do a better job, and was very much faster than partiton magic was...
I am still testing these 2, and hope to figure out why I suddenly have had problems with PM...
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