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Old 2nd Aug 04, 04:14 PM
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i have had 1 200 gb western digital hd (oem) and 2x250 gb brand new maxtor drives, and i have noticed that these drives dont last very long for some odd reason in my systems, is there somethign special im supposed to do to them constantly, ive downloaded that disk checking software from western digitals website, and i get nothing but passing remarks, then i see the little bubble saying windows write delay failed all information on drive may be lost.....even my 160gb wd hd is acting up now...someone plz give me some feedback on these frigging drives...cause im sending back the two maxtors a.s.a.p
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Old 2nd Aug 04, 04:32 PM
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Originally posted by SIRCOOKS@Aug 2 2004, 02:14 PM
i have had 1 200 gb western digital hd (oem) and 2x250 gb brand new maxtor drives, and i have noticed that these drives dont last very long for some odd reason in my systems, is there somethign special im supposed to do to them constantly, ive downloaded that disk checking software from western digitals website, and i get nothing but passing remarks, then i see the little bubble saying windows write delay failed all information on drive may be lost.....even my 160gb wd hd is acting up now...someone plz give me some feedback on these frigging drives...cause im sending back the two maxtors a.s.a.p

not really sure what to tell you here ,
I just wanted to let you know that i have a WD 200 GB SATA hd in my system that i use every day and never had a problem with it.

Are you running them in ide or sata?

MAybe you had a bad run of faulty drives.......

I notice that even with xp sp1 i had to donwload the latest sata drivers to get the drive to work correctly.

Might be a good start to do that if you haven't done it already

All the best

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