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Old 6th Jul 03, 04:52 PM
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MODS: Please close this topic.

I have just installed a second hard drive (Maxtor ATA100 80GB 4D080H4) into my XP Home pc as the slave but when I rebooted the computer, windows detects the drive and tries to locate a driver for it but can't find one. (Device Manager - CODE 28 - driver not installed)

The message appears everytime I start up the pc.

The drive is shown in the BIOS, Device Manager and also in windows but, from past experience, the only way I know to get around this, is to reinstall XP and then the driver will be installed, but I don't really want to do this at the moment.

I have tried 'add new hardware' but still can't find the driver.

Any ideas?


Old 6th Jul 03, 06:01 PM
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I'm a little off topic here, but I've attached your picture resized a bit. Check it out and see what you think. Your current one seem a bit large, don't you think.
Old 6th Jul 03, 06:44 PM
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Hi KingCobra

I totally agree my friend - it was way too large - but I was not sure how to make it smaller and the resize is just right.

Many thanks.

I right-clicked your image and saved it to the "My Picture" folder so I guess if I need to display it on this or any other forum, then it should be the right size?

BTW - I can't remember how I added the flag to be shown with my post - can you tell me how it's done again please?

BTW - again - what does the "warn level" mean that I now see shown under my username and also in "My Controls"? No one else seems to have this warning?


Old 6th Jul 03, 07:09 PM
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BTW - again - what does the "warn level" mean that I now see shown under my username and also in "My Controls"? No one else seems to have this warning?
Please see these threads for the answer to that question.

BTW - I can't remember how I added the flag to be shown with my post - can you tell me how it's done again please?
On the main page under Member Options select User CP
Then under Personal Profile select Edit Signature
In there you can enter the http:// where you have the resized signature.
Of course, your going to have to upload the new resized image to your current server which I see by looking at the properties of your current signature is Since your current signature on your server is a .gif and the one I resized for you is a .jpg there is no need to rename the file before you upload.

Hope this all helps.
Old 6th Jul 03, 07:20 PM
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Old 6th Jul 03, 08:24 PM
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Hi KingCobra

Just read the two threads you provided and, maybe I'm wrong, but like may other users who have suddenly found this under their avatars, I don't agree with what you are doing and find this a bit upsetting and annoying, especially after being a loyal member of BetaONE for nearly two years.

I have been a member since August 2001 and would like to know what rules have I broken or what users have I harassed?

Seems like "Big Brother" is watching over us?

Bearcat has saw this another way:

Don't worry, the "warning sign" is below any users avatar
and is part of the user profile.
As you can see, you have a warning level of 0%, meaning NO warnings

So keep on the good work.


But, if BC is correct and those users who have this warning under their avatars, actually have "NO" warnings, then why put the warning there in the first place and why don't all users have this warning with a level of "0" under their avatars?

Old 7th Jul 03, 06:16 AM
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Un related to the matter at hand , but seeing as the thread seems active here.
As I see it ALL members can see their own WARN level , most will be at Zero and have nothing to be concerned about
Only mods and admins can see all the warn levels which are a standard board feature.
I have noticed them popping up on many boards as the new software is applied.
It's just another tool to help keep things running smoothly.
Old 11th Jul 03, 01:42 PM
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@ Raid762 :
You are correct
Only the given user, and the creew can see the warning-level.

@ Brave01Heart :
Closing this thread, as requested in the top-post, feel free to send a PM if it needs to be reopend.
I hope both the hard-drive and the "Big-Brother" works out for you
(o o)

Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that.

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