[quote:9be3a114d5][i:9be3a114d5]Originally posted by craftyc [/i:9be3a114d5]
I compiled a working kernel (prety much).
[quote:9be3a114d5]Problems during boot: -
1) Won't mount local and other file systems (although I can use the system and have access to all drives)[/quote:9be3a114d5]
If you want to mount windows share you need VFAT support.
[quote:9be3a114d5]2) IPVS - What is it gives me two errors[/quote:9be3a114d5]
Pls give the [color=blue:9be3a114d5]exact[/color:9be3a114d5] error.
[quote:9be3a114d5]3) Kernel won't pick up my Soundcard (Although compiled in correctly)[/quote:9be3a114d5]
You gotta load module with modprobe . For example my soundcard is cmpci i do [color=blue:9be3a114d5]modprobe cmpci[/color:9be3a114d5] to load it.Just learn your sound card's module name @ google.com and add modprobe foo (where foo is modulename ) to /etc/rc.d/rc.local so it loads module at every boot.