Here are a few sites I like to run my comouters thru time after time and thought you might like to bookmark them if you already don't have them. Also anyone else with a site please add on as it always pays to check out how secure your machine really is,
PC PitStop
At PC Pitstop we can help you get your PC in top form -- running fast, stable and secure. PC Pitstop runs diagnostics on your PC to identify things that might help improve performance. The process is fully automated, private and safe. After the diagnostics run, we'll give you tips for improving all kinds of things. Best of all, the service is free!
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All Nettools
Finds information about an IP address or hostname,Allows you to determine the path a packet is taking across the Internet,Sends out an echo request to a specific computer on the network,Resolves a hostname to an IP address or vice versa.
And more!!
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Free Antivirus Tools
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Scans for active trojan horse programs throughout all 65535 TCP ports.
Will show up in your firewall logs as a port scan from
Should take about 20 minutes to complete. (Only open ports will be reported)
If you are running on a private network, you may be connected through a router, proxy, or firewall and we may be checking the connection of that device instead of your computer.
Personal information provided by this test is not retained or sold in any way by Sygate Technologies, Inc.
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Shields Up
NanoProbe Technology Internet Security Testing for Windows Users
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Symantec Home Page
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Trend Micro Antivirus Home Page
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ZoneAlarm and at the lower part the free one for anyone who may want to try it as well.
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Computer Incident Advisory Capability Page
OK I am not adding anymore just hope either you do or take a look and enjoy m8's,BD