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Old 14th Feb 03, 04:03 PM
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How to speak Australian

If you've ever wanted to know how to speak Australian have a look at this aussie dictionary:

Aggro - abbreviateion of agravation
Airy Fairy - something with no substance
Akubra - Australian bush hat
Alkie -alcoholic
Ankle Biter - little kid
Arse - bum
Arse about face - back to front
Arvo - Afternoon
Ay? - 'pardon me' also can be used to confirm a statement eg 'that movie was cool ay?'
ants pants - anything or anyone that looks good
give the arse - when you throw something away you 'give it the arse'
given the arse - fired
backchat -answering backorright -alright
bag - very unattractive woman
bagging - severly criticizing something
bags not me- I dont want to do it, this is used in a group situation, the last person to say it is the one stuck with doing whatever it is everyone is trying to get out of/ balls up - something thats gone wrong
Barbie - barebeque
Barge into - interupt a conversation
Bareney - a fight or disagrement
Bash - party
-verbal attack
Basket Case - someone insaine
Bathers - what you wear when your swimming
Beauty - Expression of delight
Beddy byes - where you go at night to sleep
Bikkie - Buiscuit
Bingle - accident caused between two people
Billy - Tin can with a wire handle used to boil water over a camp fire to make tea
Blazes - A place you tell people to go when you annoyed at them
Bloke - Guy
Blimey - Expression of suprise
Bloody - a very popular word, can be used to say how great things are or how bad they are, all depends on the sentence
Bloody Oath - YES!
Blow In - Unexpected Visitor
Blowing Off - Breaking wind
Bludge - To not do any work when your supposed to
Blue - A Fight
Bodgie - Anythig dubious
Bog In - Eat
Bomb - An old car that bareley runs
Bonzer - Great!!
Boofhead - Idiot
Boot - that part at the back of your car that lifts up and you store stuff in there
Boozer - Someone who drinks a lot
Brekkie - Breakfast
Buckleys Chance - No chance at all
Bugger off - Go Away
Bull - When someone talks a load of rubbish its 'bull'
Bum - Your bottam
Bum Freezer - Short Jacket
Burl - Try eg
give it a burl
Bushed - Exhausted
Bushie - Anyone from out of town
Bye Bye - Goodbye
O - Bring Your Own Liquor
Cackle Berry - Egg
Cactus - Useless
Cakehole - Mouth
Cardie - Cardigan
Cark - Die
Chalkie - Teacher
Cheerio - Goodbye
Chewie - Chewing Gum
Chainwag - Talk
Chock-a-block / Chockers- Very full
Choof Off - Leave
Chook - chicken
Chrissie - Christmas
Chrome Dome - someone who is bald
Chromies - Chrome wheels
Chuck - Throw something
Chunder - Throw Up
Clobber - Hit
Cock-Up - Big Mistake
Cocky - Arrogant
- Farmer
Codger - Old Guy
Codswallop - Nonsense
Coldie - Beer
Conk Out - When a car dies it conks out
Copper - Police Man
Corker - soemthing Funny
Cossie - Swimming costume
Cripes - Expression of astonishment
Crook - Sick
Cuppa - Cup Of Tea
Dag - Casual kind of person who doesnt really care what ppl think of them
Daggy - Outdated stuff
Daks - Trousers
Dead Set - True
Dill - Idiot
Dinki Di - Real
Dosh - Money
Duds - Trousers
Duffer - Idiot
Dummy - That thing you shove in babies mouths so they suck it and there quiet
Dunny - Toilet
Dyke - Toilet
Earbasher - Someone who never stops talking
Esky - Portable icebox
Fair Dinkum - REALLY???!!!!
Fair Enough - ok
Fanging It - Driving really fast
Fess up - To confess
Fib - Lie
Fibber - Someone who tell fibs
Flaming - an adjective that can be used in the same situation as bloody
Flat Chat - At full speed
Flicks - Cinema eg 'go to the flicks'
Flipping - A less harsh word used also in the same situation as bloody
Flog - Steal
Fluke - A lucky break
Front up - Show up for something
Full as a boot - Very drunk
Full as a gog - Full of drink /food
Funny Farm - Mental Hospital
Garbo - Garbage collector
Gasbager - Some who is always talking
G'day - Hello
Goer - Something sucessfull
Good Nick - Something in good condition is in 'good nick'
Good-oh - Ok / see you later
Good on ya - Well done
Grizzle Guts - A complainer
Grog - Alcohol
Grouse - Excellent!
Grub - Someone unclean
Happy as Larry - Very Happy
Hoon - Driving fast
Hostie - Air Hostess
Hubbbie - Husband
Idoiot Box - Television
Iffy - Risky
Jiffy - Short period of time
Jumper - The australian equivilant to the sweater, pullover etc
Kindy - Kindergarten
Knackered - Exhausted
Knockback - Drink /or/ get rejected
Laired Up - Dressed in outlandinsh clothes
Larrikin - Someone Mischievous
Lash Out - Go on a spending spree
Lippie - Lipstick
Little House - Dunny
Loo - Also the dunny
Mate - Friend
Middy - Glass of beer
Milko - The Milk delivery men
Mozzie - Mosquito
Mucking about - Wasting time
Muso - Musician
My Oath! - Definatly
Nappy - What americans call diapers
Nark - Annoy
Nick off - Disapear
Nong - Idiot
Noodle - Brain
Nuddy - Naked
Packing It - Scared
Pav - Pavlova (ewwwwww)
Pay Out - Critisise
Pearler - Excellent! Eg it was a real pearler
Perk - Vomit
Pigs - Short excalation of disbelief
Plonk - Cheap wine
Pong - Something that stinks pongs
Poofteenth - Very short distance
Postie - The guy who delivers the mail
Prang - A car smash
Prezzies - Presents
Pub Craw - When you go to as many possible pubs in a night getting drunker and drunker
Rack Off - Go away
Rapt - Toally infatuated
Ratbag - A nice of calling someone a pain in the arse
Revhead - Someone who drives to fast
Ripper - Exclamation of surprise
Ripsnorter - Something funny
Rust Bucket - A car full of rust
Sanger - Sandwich
Scone - Head
Send up - Mock
Sheila - Woman
Shirty - Annoyed
Skid Lid - Crash Helmet
Skite - Brag
Snag - Sausage
Spider - Soft drink with ice cream in it
Spud - Potatoe
Squiz - A quick look
Starkers - Naked
Stiff Cheddar - Bad Luck
Strewth! - Exclamation of astonishment
Stubby - bottle of beer
Stuff up - Make a mistake
Sunnies - Sunglasses
Suss - Suspicous
Swipe - Steal
Ta - Thankyou
Ta Ta - Goodbye
Telly - Television
Thunderbox - Dunny
True Blue - Genuine
Turf it out - Throw away something
Tucker - Food
Umpteenth - An infinate number
Underdacks - Underwear
Ute - Small truck
Vegemite - That black spread used on toast, bread, basically anything really Mmmmm
Vegies - Vegetables
Wacker - Idiot
Wagging - When you skip classes
Whopper - Great big lie / great big fart
Write off - When you crash your car so bad it would be cheaper to replace it then fix it
Yabber - Talk
Yank tank - Big American car

Weird Aussie Sayings:

She'll be apples - It'll be alright
As useful as an ashtray on a motorbike
Running around like a blue arsed fly Where you born in a tent - What you say to someone when they leave the door open
If he had another brain it would be lonely
To get along like a bushfire
As usefull as a chocolate teapot
Go like the clappers - very fast
Colder then a mother in laws kiss
Where did you get you licence, out of a packet of cornflakes
Wet enough to bog a duck
As useful as a glass door on a dunny
He's grown to tall for his hair
As scarce as hens teeth
Stick it up your jumper
He went mad and the cops shot him - Excuse to cover someones whereabouts

this post is not intended to offend anyone ! its a joke :P

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Old 14th Feb 03, 04:06 PM
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Ahem, I am from....:P
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Old 15th Feb 03, 01:23 AM
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Originally posted by jakesnake@Feb 14 2003, 04:03 PM
How to speak Australian

Cactus - Useless

this post is not intended to offend anyone ! its a joke :P

Hey mate,

I don't wanna start a bingle, but if that's how the feel, they just be locked all in funny farms. Boofheads

Ta ta.
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Old 19th Feb 03, 11:44 AM
M31 M31 is offline
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Eeee lad that be grey-ate. Nowt moo-orr tut saii-yy.

No that is not dobbie or Ja Ja Binks that is how Jakey speaks. =lol=
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