I have spent tons of time finding a style that suits my fancy and I have found that I like Maggra-X ported by Kol. [_http://kol.slipstreamx.net/themes.html] One thing that bugs me though is that the background of the button is not transparent and when a website uses a system button like on forums [like here] I get a rectangular patch behind the button. It looks weird. I have seen others using oval buttons where the back was transparent. I tried contacting Kol to ask if he was going to fix this , but I get no reply.
I downloaded TGTsoft's style builder, but I was wondering of somebody could tell me the easiest way to make sections transparent in a graphic. Can you just erase unwanted parts to transparency? I have PSP7 and Photoshop Elements both available to me. I would appreciate any help. Thanks!