1- Download and save this file "win.zip"(attached)
2- unzip it to an empty floppy disk
3- put your windows xp or 2k installation cd in the cd-rom drive
4- restart and boot from the installation cd
5- when the blue screen appears immediate hit "F6" (Press F6 to load additional drivers)
6- now hit "s" to load the additional drivers
7- with the floppy disk in , your pc will look for the windows key driver
8- when it finds the windows key driver , hit enter to choose the driver
9- now if you have more than one windows installed , choose the one that you have lost its password
10- now it will ask you if you want to change the administrator password to "12345" , hit "y" for yes
11 - hit any key to restart
12- now log on as administrator with the password "12345"
- if you have windows xp and the blue welcome screen appeared click "ctrl+alt+del" together ,twice
and log on as administrator with password "12345"
Source :
I am attaching the File "WIN.ZIP"