When slipstreaming, do you always have to start from the original setup files from the Windows CD?
Can you say, slipstream SP2 into a setup with SP1 already slipstreamed into it?
The reason I ask is I want to start trying to make a super bootable cd that I've had in mind for a while...
I hear some kind of dinky Service Pack for WinXP should be out soon with the recent Java ruling. Maybe this will come in the form of an update, but the article I was reading mentioned a SP.
Also, anyone here tried making a bootable WinXP N-1 CD that is:
customized with some MSDOS BOOT Utils
has MSDOS Peer-to-Peer Network File Sharing Functionality
AND... has alternate Automated/Customized WinXP installs?
I think this can all be done...
Thanks for replying - if anyone does, and sorry if this is all listed in a bunch of different threads... just don't reply and eventually I'll get around to searching... and scanning.