MSN Messenger for Linux
This is a modified and multilanguage version of Compu'S Messenger (CCMSN). It has many new features, but we're still working on it.
Sound for events
Look and feel similar to original MSN Messenger.
File transfers
Group support
================================================== ===============================================
I downloaded the RPM.
[root@localhost root]# cd /home/manila
[root@localhost manila]# dir
Desktop Documents Mail mp3 tmp
[root@localhost manila]# cd Documents/Appz
[root@localhost Appz]# dir
[root@localhost Appz]# cd msnmessenger4linux
[root@localhost msnmessenger4linux]# dir
amsn-0.71.tar.gz msn
[root@localhost msnmessenger4linux]# cd msn
[root@localhost msn]# dir
abook.tcl ctadverts.tcl gui.tcl lang.tcl protocol.tcl
alarm.tcl ctdegt.tcl HELP LEEME proxy.tcl
amsn ctthemes.tcl hotmail.tcl Makefile README
amsn.debianmenu dkffont.tcl hotmlog.htm migmd5.tcl s
amsn.desktop dock.tcl i notebook1.tcl smileys.tcl
amsn.spec emoticons.htm icons notebook.tcl socks.tcl
changelog FAQ jwakeup plugins TODO
checkver.tcl GNUGPL lang plwav.exe utils
config.tcl groups.tcl langlist progressbar.tcl
Don't know what to do after that
I realised what I did was only extracting the RPM (thanks to crftyc)....
Edit: Spelling errors released --> realised