BetaONE will rise again!

Old 23rd Nov 02, 11:32 PM
FreeUS FreeUS is offline
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End of the year 2003, the satellite KEO will be launched into the space. Some 50,000 years later it will be return to Earth, intact, to offer our faraway, future, distant great grandchildren, a collection of our messages destined for them

Why 50,000 years?
 50,000 years is the mirror date to a milestone in the evolution of our species: the first traces of Art reveal the human capacity for abstract thought and symbolic expression.
50,000 years is distance in time so compelling that it forces us to shed our worries and daily routine and puts us each on an equal footing, inviting us to bask in our thoughts, intuitions and deepest convictions...
However 50,000 years only represent 1% of the evolution of the human species that have appeared on Earth some 5 million years ago.
It is also the concept of time and distance that will give our treasures a genuine archeological value because it is very probable that definitive traces of the activities of the Man of today will be in turn recovered by the Man of tomorrow.
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